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Screen Reader Access

Following table lists the information about different screen readers:

Information related to the various screen readers

Screen ReaderWebsiteFree / Commercial
Screen Access For All (SAFA)http://www.nabdelhi.org/NAB_SAFA.htm (External website that opens in a new window)Free
Non Visual Desktop Access (NVDA)http://www.nvda-project.org/ (External website that opens in a new window)Free
System Access To Gohttp://www.satogo.com/ (External website that opens in a new window)Free
Thunderhttp://www.screenreader.net/index.php? pageid=2 (External website that opens in a new window)Free
WebAnywherehttp://webanywhere.cs.washington.edu/ wa.php (External website that opens in a new window)Free
Halhttp://www.yourdolphin.co.uk/ productdetail.asp?id=5 (External website that opens in a new window)Commercial
JAWShttp://www.freedomscientific.com/jaws- hq.asp (External website that opens in a new window)Commercial
Supernovahttp://www.yourdolphin.co.uk / productdetail.asp ?id=1 (External website that opens in a new window)Commercial
Window-Eyeshttp://www.gwmicro.com/Window-Eyes/ (External website that opens in a new window)Commercial